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Friday, January 29, 2016

List of titles in Taiko no Tatsujin (White Version)

The title system was introduced by a firmware update in Taiko 0, and gives players with access to Banapassports nicknames to put beside their usernames while they play, as a mark of their in-game achievements, much like in other rhythm games with user profiles. The titles can be interchanged in Donder Hiroba when you have obtained them, and the one currently selected will display on the arcade screen wherever the player name is. Some titles unlock hidden content like songs and costumes.

It is possible to get more than one title in a go by overlapping the conditions for unlocking them. In addition, for newer players, Don Points (DP) will also be given out for titles they get.

Almost all the titles from the Murasaki Version are available on White ver. as well, with the addition of new title unlocks. Once again, titles are not ordered under a numerical order.

Titles are listed below, translated into English wherever possible.

TitleRequirementsDon PointsReward
Donder Debut! (ドンだーデビュー!)Play once by using mobile devices or a Banapassport card100Costume: Happy Festival (お祭りはっぴ)
Let's become Don friends!
Make 1 friend in Donder Hiroba0none
Part of the Taiko Team
Make friends with Etou in Donder Hiroba0none
My Proud Don-Chan
Change Don-chan's colors/costumes once0none
Summer's Sun (真夏の太陽) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in August 2012100Costume: Sunflower (ひまわり)
Dumplings de Moonwatching (お月見 de お団子) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in September 2012100Costume: Tsukimi Dango (月見だんご)
Jack-o-Don-chan (ジャック・オ・どんちゃん) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in October 2012100Costume: Halloween (ハロウィン)
Delicious Pot of Seasons (鍋のおいしい季節) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in November 2012100Costume: Yosenabe (よせ鍋)
★Merry Drumming★ (★メリータタキマス★) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in December 2012100Costume: Santa Claus (サンタクロース) 
Happy New Don! (謹賀新ドン!) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in January 2013100Costume: Kagami-mochi (鏡もち)
Recruitment of Chocolate (チョコレート募集中) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in February 2013100Costume: Oni with Gold Club (オニに金棒)
Congratulations for starting school, Ta-don! (入学おめでドン!) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in April 2013100Costume: Student (小学生)
Don Soul Towering Above The Roof (屋根より高いドン魂) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in May 2013100Costume: Koinobori (こいのぼり)
Frogs Singing in Turns (カエルが鳴いたらかえる) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in June 2013100Costume: Frog (かえる)
It's Summer! It's Sea! It's Taiko no Tatsujin! (夏だ!海だ!太鼓の達人だ!) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in July 2013100Costume: Watermelon (スイカ)
Evening Test of Courage (きもだめしde納涼) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in August 2013100Costume: Ghost (ゴースト)
Hitting Under the Moonlight (月下打人) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in September 2013100Costume: Moon-sama (おつきさま)
Aim for the First Prize! (目指せ一等賞!) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in October 2013100Costume: Sports Day (うんどうかい)
Master of the Long Autumn Nights (秋の夜長の達人) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in November 2013100Costume: Autumn Friends (秋のなかま)
New-Year Congrats, Da-Don! (あけましておめでドン!) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in January 2014100Costume: Hakama (はかま)
Mamemaki Donder (豆まきドンだー) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in February 2014100Costume: Kaminari-Sama (かみなりさま)
Doll Festival Donder (ひなまつりドンだー) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in March 2014100Costume: Ohina-sama (おひなさま)
Sakura Storm Donder (さくら吹雪ドンだー) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in April 2014100Costume: Sakura (さくら)
Satsukibare Donder (五月晴れドンだー) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in May 2014100Costume: Race Car (レースカー)
Den-Den Donder (でんでんドンだー) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in June 2014100Costume: Snail (かたつむり)
Summer-Running Master (夏をかけまわる達人) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in August 2014100Costume: Straw Hat (麦わらぼうし)
Prince of Sports (スポーツの王子様) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in September 2014100Costume: Tennis (テニス)
Art is Full Combo! (芸術はフルコンボだ!) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in October 2014100Costume: Painter (絵描き)
I, Taiko no Tatsujin's Ice Ki (私、太鼓の達人だあいすき) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in November 2014100Costume: Black Goth (黒ゴス)
Fumoffu de Nukunuku (もふもふ de ぬくぬく) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in December 2014100Costume: Alpaca (アルパカ)
One Don Year Away in New Year's Day (一年の計は元旦にあるドン) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in January 2015100Costume: Geisha (芸者)
This Thought, Delivered at the Speed of Sound! (この想い、音速で届け!) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in February 2015100Costume: Jet Pilot (ジェットパイロット)
Overslept Donder (寝坊ドンだー) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in April 2015100Costume: Pajamas (パジャマ)
The Largest Carnivorous History (史上最大級の肉食
) (1*)
Play Taiko no Tatsujin in May 2015100Costume: Tyrannosaurus (ティラノサウルス)
You Have Hiyatto (ひやっとしますね) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in June 2015100Costume: Ice (アイス)
The Hot Ale to That Person (熱いエールをあの人に) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in July 2015100Costume: Concert Light (コンサートライト)
Of Summer! Of Festival! Donder of Taiko! (夏だ!祭りだ!太鼓だドン! (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in August 2015100Costume: Festival Taiko (お祭り太鼓)
Donder Resident of the Moon (月の住人ドンだー) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in September 2015100Costume: Kaguya-hime (かぐや姫)
Cycling Donder (サイクリングドンだー) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in October 2015100Costume: Bicycle (自転車)
Next Person, Here You Go (次のかた、どうぞー) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in November 2015100Costume: Doctor (お医者さん)
Iyo~tsu Dokodon! (いよ~っ ドコドン!) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in January 2016100Costume: Kabuki Head (かぶきヘッド)
Pixel Donder (ピクセルドンだー) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in February 2016100Costume: Block (ブロック)
Butterfly Donder (バタフライドンだー) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in March 2016100Costume: Butterfly Wings (ちょうちょのはね)
Seitentaisei Don Goku (斉天大聖ドン悟空) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in April 2016100Costume: Goku (そんごくう)
Shinobi and Person in the Dense Forest (密林に忍びし者) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in May 2016100Costume: Jungle (ジャングル)
Master of Taiko Vacation (太鼓界のバカンスマスター) (1*)Play Taiko no Tatsujin in June 2016100Costume: Vacation Parasol (バカンスパラソル)
Warrior of the Demon Lord (魔王に仕えし武士) (1*)Clear 10 Donchare goals on August 20120none
Sword's Sword (ソードオブソード) (1*)Clear 10 Donchare goals on September 20120none
trick or treat! (1*)Clear 10 Donchare goals on October 20120none
Extreme Fusion (どフュージョン) (1*)Clear 10 Donchare goals on November 20120none
Whirlwind Dancing on Heaven and Earth (天地を舞いし旋風) (1*)Clear 10 Donchare goals on December 20120New song: Senpuu no Mai- Earth (旋風ノ舞【地】)
Love Starts From Here (ここから始まる恋) (1*)Clear 10 Donchare goals on January 20130none
Synthesizer's Child (シンセサイザーの申し子) (1*)Clear 10 Donchare goals on February 20130none
Deep Spring Sleep (春眠暁を覚えず) (1*)Clear 10 Donchare goals on April 20130none
Kamikaze (神風) (1*)Clear 10 Donchare goals on May 20130none
Galaxy-Chasing Phoenix (宙駆ける不死鳥) (1*)Clear 10 Donchare goals on June 20130none
Pursuer of Dreams (夢追い人) (1*)Clear 10 Donchare goals on July 20130none
Meena's Prisoner (ミーナのとりこ) (1*)Clear 10 Donchare goals on August 20130none
Dark-Type Donder (闇属性ドンだー) (1*)Clear 10 Donchare goals on September 20130none
Take A Break (お休憩) (1*)Clear 10 Donchare goals on October 20130none
Ace of Space-Time Agency Division 1 (時空庁時空1課のエース) (1*)Clear 10 Donchare goals on November 20130none
Phoenix (鳳凰) (1*)Clear 10 Donchare goals on January 20140none
Making Sweet Chocolate (チョコってあまいんだ) (1*)Clear 10 Donchare goals on February 20140none
Magical Tea Time (マジカルティータイム) (1*)Clear 10 Donchare goals on March 20140none
Buzzing Donder (ブンブンドンだー)Clear 10 Donchare goals on April 20140none
Nothing Triumphs Over Muscle (筋肉に勝るものなし)Clear 10 Donchare goals on May 20140none
Linda AI-CUE Fan (LindaAI-CUEのファン) (1*)Clear 10 Donchare goals on June 20140none
Burning Don Soul (1*)Clear 10 Donchare goals on August 20140none
Classical Donder (クラシカルドンだー) (1*)Clear 10 Donchare goals on September 20140none
Devoted Day by Day da-don! (日々是精進だドン!) (1*)Clear 10 Donchare goals on October 20140none
Rave Racer (1*)Clear 10 Donchare goals on November 20140none
Crustacean Donder (1*)Clear 10 Donchare goals on December 20140none
( ゚д゚ )彡Haiyaaa!!!! (( ゚д゚ )彡ハイヤー!!!!) (1*)Clear 10 Donchare goals on January 20150none
Undercover Age Don (1*)Clear 10 Donchare goals on February 20150none
Bon voyage! (1*)Clear 10 Donchare goals on April 20150none
Sharp Flames of the Purple Lightning (紫電一閃の煌めき (1*)Clear 10 Donchare goals on May 20150none
Pillow Fight Donder (まくら投げドンだー) (1*)Clear 10 Donchare goals on June 20150none
Kat-chan's Wish-realizers (かっちゃんのおねがい叶え隊) (1*)Clear 10 Donchare goals on July 20150none
Uh! (うっ!) (1*)Clear 10 Donchare goals on August 20150none
Flying Across the Border da-don! (境界線を飛び越えるドン!) (1*)Clear 10 Donchare goals on September 20150none
Donder at the Rising Sun (日いずる処のドンだー)
Clear 10 Donchare goals on October 20150none
As a Dragon Gain Wings (竜に翼を得たる如し) (1*)Clear 10 Donchare goals on November 20150none
Taiko Restoration (太鼓維新) (1*)Clear 10 Donchare goals on January 20160none
Gothic Donder (ゴシックドンだー) (1*)Clear 10 Donchare goals on February 20160none
Let Us Kiss? (キスしよっか?) (1*)Clear 10 Donchare goals on March 20160none
Come, Gateway to Success (いざ、一登竜門) (1*)Clear 10 Donchare goals on April 20160none
Taiko no Tatsujin is Sports (太鼓の達人はスポーツ) (1*)Clear 10 Donchare goals on May 20160none
Izanami of Darkness (黄泉のイザナミ) (1*)Clear 10 Donchare goals on June 20160none
First Victory Gauntlet (挑戦状 初勝利)Win a Challenge issued by Donder Hiroba friends0none
10-Victory Gauntlet (挑戦状 10勝)Win 10 Challenges issued by Donder Hiroba friends0none
50-Victory Gauntlet (挑戦状 50勝)Win 50 Challenges issued by Donder Hiroba friends0none
150-Victory Gauntlet (挑戦状 150勝)Win 150 Challenges issued by Donder Hiroba friends0none
10-Victory Streak Gauntlet
(挑戦状 10連勝)
Win 10 Challenges in a row issued by Donder Hiroba friends0none
100-Victory Streak Gauntlet
(挑戦状 100連勝)
Win 100 Challenges in a row issued by Donder Hiroba friends0none
5-Times Approval Gauntlet (挑戦状 5回承諾)Receive and accept Challenges 5 times0none
10-Times Approval Gauntlet (挑戦状 10回承諾)Receive and accept Challenges 10 times0none
30-Times Approval Gauntlet (挑戦状 30回承諾)Receive and accept Challenges 30 times0none
50-Times Approval Gauntlet (挑戦状 50回承諾)Receive and accept Challenges 50 times0none
100-Times Approval Gauntlet (挑戦状 100回承諾)Receive and accept Challenges 100 times0none
Tournament's First Prize (大会 初入賞)Get a placing in an online tournament once0none
10-Times Tournament Winner (大会 10回入賞)Get a placing in an online tournament 10 times0none
50-Times Tournament Winner (大会 50回入賞)Get a placing in an online tournament 50 times0none
100-Times Tournament Winner (大会 100回入賞)Get a placing in an online tournament 100 times0none
5-Times Tournament Participation (大会 5回参加)Join a tournament 5 times0none
10-Times Tournament Participation (大会 10回参加)Join a tournament 10 times0none
30-Times Tournament Participation (大会 30回参加)Join a tournament 30 times0none
50-Times Tournament Participation (大会 50回参加)Join a tournament 50 times0none
100-Times Tournament Participation (大会 100回参加)Join a tournament 100 times0none
10-Play Total (通算 10プレイ)Play the game 10 times0none
30-Play Total (通算 30プレイ)Play the game 30 times0none
50-Play Total (通算 50プレイ)Play the game 50 times0none
100-Play Total (通算 100プレイ)Play the game 100 times0none
150-Play Total (通算 150プレイ)Play the game 150 times0none
200-Play Total (通算 200プレイ)Play the game 200 times0none
250-Play Total (通算 250プレイ)Play the game 250 times0none
500-Play Total (通算 500プレイ)Play the game 500 times0none
765-Play Total (通算 765プレイ)Play the game 765 times0none
876-Play Total (通算 876プレイ)Play the game 876 times0none
1000-Play Total (通算 1000プレイ)Play the game 1000 times0none
1500-Play Total (通算 1500プレイ)Play the game 1500 times0none
2000-Play Total (通算 2000プレイ)Play the game 2000 times0none
10-Times J-Pop Play (J-POP 10回演奏)Play J-Pop songs 10 times0Costume: Pirate (かいぞく)
50-Times J-Pop Play (J-POP 50回演奏)Play J-Pop songs 50 times0none
100-Times J-Pop Play (J-POP 100回演奏)Play J-Pop songs 100 times0none
10-Times Anime Play
(アニメ 10回演奏)
Play Anime songs 10 times0Costume: Soccer Ball (サッカーボール)
50-Times Anime Play
(アニメ 50回演奏)
Play Anime songs 50 times0none
100-Times Anime Play
(アニメ 100回演奏)
Play Anime songs 100 times0none
10-Times Children Play (どうよう 10回演奏)Play Children/Folk songs 10 times0Costume: Suites (スイーツ)
50-Times Children Play
(どうよう 50回演奏)
Play Children/Folk songs 50 times0none
100-Times Children Play
(どうよう 100回演奏)
Play Children/Folk songs 100 times0none
10-Times Variety Play
(バラエティ 10回演奏)
Play Variety songs 10 times0Costume: Polar Bear (しろくま)
50-Times Variety Play (バラエティ 50回演奏)Play Variety songs 50 times0none
100-Times Variety Play (バラエティ 100回演奏)Play Variety songs 100 times0none
10-Times Classic Play (クラシック 10回演奏)Play Classic songs 10 times0Costume: Submarine (せんすいかん)
50-Times Classic Play (クラシック 50回演奏)Play Classic songs 50 times0none
100-Times Classic Play (クラシック 100回演奏)Play Classic songs 100 times0none
10-Times Game Music Play (ゲームミュージック 10回演奏)Play Game Music songs 10 times0Costume: Takarabune (たからぶね)
50-Times Game Music Play
(ゲームミュージック 50回演奏)
Play Game Music songs 50 times0none
100-Times Game Music Play
(ゲームミュージック 100回演奏)
Play Game Music songs 100 times0none
10-Times Namco Original Play
(ナムコオリジナル 10回演奏)
Play Namco Original songs 10 times0Costume: Peacock (くじゃく)
50-Times Namco Original Play
(ナムコオリジナル 50回演奏)
Play Namco Original songs 50 times0none
100-Times Namco Original Play (ナムコオリジナル 100回演奏)Play Namco Original songs 100 times0none
10-Times Vocaloid Play (ボーカロイド曲 10回演奏)Play Vocaloid songs 10 times0Costume: Apple (りんご)
50-Times Vocaloid Play (ボーカロイド曲 50回演奏)Play Vocaloid songs 50 times0none
100-Times Vocaloid Play (ボーカロイド曲 100回演奏)Play Vocaloid songs 100 times0none
10-Times Recently Played Play (最近あそんだ曲 10回演奏)Play songs in the Recently-Played folder 10 times0none
50-Times Recently Played Play (最近あそんだ曲 50回演奏)Play songs in the Recently-Played folder 50 times0none
100-Times Recently Played Play (最近あそんだ曲 100回演奏)Play songs in the Recently-Played folder 100 times0none
10-Times Recommended Play (おすすめ曲 10回演奏)Play songs in the Recommended folder 10 times0Costume: Maneki Neko (まねきねこ)
50-Times Recommended Play (おすすめ曲 50回演奏)Play songs in the Recommended folder 50 times0none
100-Times Recommended Play (おすすめ曲 100回演奏)Play songs in the Recommended folder 100 times0none
10-Silver Crown Winner (銀王冠 10個獲得) Collect 10 or more Silver Crowns0none
100-Silver Crown Winner (銀王冠 100個獲得) Collect 100 or more Silver Crowns0none
250-Silver Crown Winner (銀王冠 250個獲得) Collect 250 or more Silver Crowns0none
500-Silver Crown Winner (銀王冠 500個獲得)  Collect 500 or more Silver Crowns0none
765-Silver Crown Winner (銀王冠 765個獲得) Collect 765 or more Silver Crowns0none
865-Silver Crown Winner (銀王冠 865個獲得) Collect 865 or more Silver Crowns0none
1000-Silver Crown Winner (銀王冠 1000個獲得) Collect 1000 or more Silver Crowns0none
10-Gold Crown Winner (金王冠 10個獲得)Collect 10 or more Gold Crowns0none
100-Gold Crown Winner (金王冠 100個獲得)Collect 100 or more Gold Crowns0none
250-Gold Crown Winner (金王冠 250個獲得)Collect 250 or more Gold Crowns0none
500-Gold Crown Winner (金王冠 500個獲得)Collect 500 or more Gold Crowns0none
765-Gold Crown Winner (金王冠 765個獲得)Collect 765 or more Gold Crowns0none
865-Gold Crown Winner (金王冠 865個獲得)Collect 865 or more Gold Crowns0none
1000-Gold Crown Winner (金王冠 1000個獲得)Collect 1000 or more Gold Crowns0none
10-Times Best Score Updated (ベストスコア 10回更新)Update personal high scores 10 times0none
50-Times Best Score Updated (ベストスコア 50回更新)Update personal high scores 50 times0none
100-Times Best Score Updated (ベストスコア 100回更新)Update personal high scores 100 times0none
200-Times Best Score Updated (ベストスコア 200回更新)Update personal high scores 200 times0none
300-Times Best Score Updated (ベストスコア 300回更新)Update personal high scores 300 times0none
First Shop Reward (初ごほうびショップ)Buy 1 item from the Rewards Shop0none
10-Shop Reward Achievement (ごほうびショップ 10達成)Buy 10 items from the Rewards Shop0none
50-Shop Reward Achievement (ごほうびショップ 50達成)Buy 50 items from the Rewards Shop0none
Master of J-Pop (J-POPの達人)Clear only J-Pop songs in one credit30Costume: Mt. Fuji (富士山)
Master of Anime (アニメの達人)Clear only Anime songs in one credit30Costume: Forest Friend (もりのなかま)
Master of Vocaloid (ボーカロイド曲の達人)Clear only Vocaloid songs in one credit30Costume: Jewel (ほうせき)
Master of Variety (バラエティの達人)Clear all songs with Doron modifier in 1 play30none
Master of Classic (クラシックの達人)Full Combo all songs with Doron modifier in 1 play30none
Master of Game Music (ゲームミュージックの達人)Clear all songs with Kimagure modifier in 1 play30none
Master of Namco Original (ナムコオリジナルの達人)Full Combo all songs with Kimagure modifier in 1 play30Costume: Earth (ちきゅう)
Unyielding Heart (あきらめない心)Fail the Revival Drumroll30none
Phoenix Donder (フェニックスドンダー)Clear the Revival Drumroll30none
Master of Best Scores (ベストスコアの達人)Get high scores on all songs during a single play100none
Clear Master (クリアの達人)Clear all songs in 1 play 50Taiko sound: Festival (お祭り)
Performance Master (演奏の達人)Clear all songs with full Tamashii Gauge in 1 play20none
Full Combo Master (フルコンボの達人)Full Combo all songs in 1 play 30none
765 Master (765の達人)Full combo all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must have 765 combo50none
876 Master (876の達人)Full combo all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must have 876 combo50none
Donderful Grandmaster (ドンダフル大達人)Get all 良 in all songs in 1 play100none
Baizoku Donder (ばいそくドンだー)Clear all songs with Baizoku modifier in 1 play30none
Sanbai Donder (さんばいドンだー)Clear all songs with Sanbai modifier in 1 play30none
Yonbai Donder (よんばいドンだー)Clear all songs with Yonbai modifier in 1 play30none
Abekobe Donder (あべこべドンだー)Clear all songs with Abekobe modifier in 1 play30none
Doron Donder (ドロンドンだー)Clear all songs with Doron modifier in 1 play30none
Whimsical Donder (きまぐれドンだー)Clear all songs with Kimagure modifier in 1 play30none
Random Donder (でたらめドンだー)Clear all songs with Detarame modifier in 1 play30none
THIS IS A TAIKO!Clear all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must have an alphanumeric title30Taiko sound: Drum (ドラム)
I love Taiko (タイコダイスキ)Clear all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must have a Katakana title30Costume: Jingly Rope (チリチリロープ)
Taiko Now (たいこ なう)Clear all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must have a Hiragana title30Costume: Electric Train (でんしゃ)
Tenjo Taiko Warriors (天上天下太鼓無双)Clear all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must have a Kanji title30Costume: Heavy Metal (ヘビメタ)
Arithmetic Donder (算数ドンだー)Clear all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must have numbers in the title30none
Animal Donder (アニマルドンだー)Clear all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must be related to animals30Taiko sound: Dog and Cat (いぬねこ)
Colorful Donder (カラフルドンだー)Clear all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must be related to colors30Costume: Strawberry (いちご)
Young Donder (ヤングドンだー)Clear all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must be new J-Pop/Anime/Variety songs30Costume: Beetle (かぶとむし)
Youth Donder (青春ドンだー)Clear all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must be old J-Pop/Anime songs (old song, not necessarily old on Taiko)30Taiko sound: Tambourine (タンバリン)
Hero Donder (ヒーロードンだー)Clear all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must be anime hero songs (Sentai songs etc.)30Taiko sound: Luxurious Drum (豪華な太鼓)
Meka-Donder (メカドンだー)Clear all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must be anime songs related to robots (Evangelion etc.)30Costume: UFO (うちゅうひこうし)
Two-Dimensional Donder (二次元ドンだー)Clear all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must be anime songs aimed at teens, not related to robots (Angel Beats etc.)30Costume: Tiger (とら)
Singing Diva (歌姫)Clear all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must be Hatsune Miku songs30none
Taikopoid (たいこっぽいど)Clear all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must be Megpoid Gumi songs30none
Crystal Voice (クリスタルヴォイス)Clear all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must be IA songs30none
Kids Donder (ちびっこドンだー)Clear all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must be Japanese folk songs (Mori no Kumasan etc.)30none
Arrangement Donder (アレンジドンだー)Clear all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must be classic song remixes (Etude Op.10-4 etc.)30none
Mr. Producer (プロデューサーさん)Full Combo all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must be IdolM@ster songs30none
Compatible Person (適合者)Clear all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must be God Eater songs30none
Street Racer (走り屋)Clear all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must be Ridge Racer songs30none
Drumming and Cheering (鼓打喝采)Clear all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must be Garyoutensei songs30none
Asian Donder (アジアンドンだー)Clear all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must be Kikyoku songs30Costume: Maneki Neko (まねきねこ)
Senkyaku BANRAI (千客BANRAI)Clear all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must be hiyama songs30none
Dream Donder (ドリームドンだー)Clear all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must be Angel Dream songs30none
Rose Donder (薔薇ドンだー)Clear all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must be Rose songs30Costume: Bouquet (ブーケ)
Donder no Mai (ドンだーノ舞)Clear all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must be 'no Mai' songs30Costume: Red Carp (めでタイ)
2000 Donder (2000ドンだー)Clear all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must be 2000 series songs30Costume: Black Drum (黒太鼓)
Lovely Donder (ラブリードンだー)Clear all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must have the word 'Love' in their name (either in Japanese or English)30Costume: Hime Gal (姫ギャル)
Iron Donder (アイアンドンだー)Clear all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must be Tekken songs30none
Idol Donder (アイドルドンだー)Clear all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must be songs from J-Pop girl bands (AKB48; Momoiro Clover Z etc)30Costume: Deluxe Taiko (豪華な太鼓)
Feast Donder (ごちそうドンだー)Clear all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must be songs with names of food on their title (either in Japanese or English)30Costume: Shark (さめ)
Seasonal Donder (季節のドンだー)Clear all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must be songs with names of seasons on their title (either in Japanese or English)30Costume: Akabeko (あかべこ)
Dragon Donder (ドラゴンドンだー)Clear all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must be Season Dragon songs (Toryu etc)30Costume: Dragon Year (たつどし)
Surprised Donder (夢見るドリーマー)Clear all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must have exclamation marks (!) in their title30Costume: Navy (水兵)
Arcade Donder (アーケードドンだー)Clear all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must be ac series songs30none
Adventure Donder (冒険ドンだー)Clear all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must be YMY songs with 'Don' (ドン) in their title30none
Japan History Donder (日本史ドンだー)Clear all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must be Yuugao series songs (2*30Costume: Warrior (武者)
Gentleman Donder (紳士ドンだー)Clear all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must be sung by Kaori Aihara30none
Lady Donder (淑女ドンだー)Clear all songs in 1 play. All songs chosen must be Anime and Vocaloid songs sung by female voices30none
Kita Saitama Master (きたさいたまの達人)Full Combo Kita Saitama 2000 on Oni difficulty50none
Shimedore Master (〆ドレーの達人)Full Combo Shimedore 2000 on Oni difficulty100none
Mata Saitama Master (またさいたまの達人)Full Combo Mata Saitama 2000 on Oni difficulty100none
Suuhaa Master (スーハーの達人)Full Combo Suuhaa 2000 on Oni difficulty100none
Ruler of Ryougen (燎原の覇王)Full Combo Ryougen no Mai on Oni mode100none
The Fastest Diva (最高速の歌姫)Full Combo Hatsune Miku no Shoushitsu -Gekijouban- (Ura)100none
Stroll Master (さんぽの達人)Full Combo Sanpo (Ura)100none
Tank Master (戦車の達人)Full Combo Yawaraka Sensha (Ura)100none
Forest Master (森の達人)Full Combo Mori no Kuma-San (Ura)100none
Kajiri Master (かじりの達人)Full Combo Oshiri no Yama wa Everest (Ura)100none
Master Course (たつじんコース)Full Combo Soroban 2000100none
Fantasy Donder (ファンタジードンだー)Full Combo Kaze no Fantasy on any difficulty while wearing the Hime Gal (姫ギャル), Dragon Year (たつどし) or Hero (ゆうしゃ) outfit100none
Gagaga (ガッガッガッ)Play only Rotter Tarmination, Dodon ga Do~n or dance storm (all Ura) in 1 play on the P1 drum and full combo all attempts100none
Overflowing Passion (あふれるパッション)Play only Rumble Ranbu, Samba Alegria or Lightning Passion (all Ura) in 1 play on the P2 drum and full combo all attempts100none
Friends of Fuuga (フウガの友達)Full Combo dance storm after changing the profile's nickname to 'Fuuga' (ふうが)100none
Friends of Mirai (ミライの友達)Full Combo Lightning Passion after changing the profile's nickname to 'Mirai' (みらい)100none
I-it's done... (で、できましたぁ…)Full Comnbo Kechadon 2000100none
819 Master (819の達人) ('819' is read as 'Haiku' in Japanese)In 2P mode, Full Combo Many wow bang! (Ura Oni)100none
Master of Wasabi (わさびの達人)Full Combo Wasabi Body Blow on Oni difficulty100none
King of Animals Don-Chan (百獣王者どんちゃん)Full Combo Great! Animal Kaiser!! at any difficulty100none
Ultra-Destruction Ecstasy (超・破壊エクスタシー)Full Combo Doom Noiz on Oni difficulty100none
Survivors of the Nightmare (悪夢からの生還者)Full Combo Nightmare Survivor (Ura)100none
What the Heck! (なんじゃこりゃああ!)Full Combo Rotter Tarmination (Ura)100none
One-hundred Carnival (百カーニバル)Full Combo Yozakura Shanikusai (Ura)100none
From Cradle to Grave (揺り篭から墓場まで)Full Combo Koibumi 2000 on Oni difficulty100none
Apostle of the Black Rose (黒薔薇の使徒)Full Combo Black Rose Apostle on Oni difficulty100none
Insanity of the White Rose (白薔薇の狂気)Full Combo White Rose Insanity on Oni difficulty100none
Evangel of the Red Rose (赤薔薇の福音)Full Combo Red Rose Evangel aon Oni difficulty100none
Ruin of the Blue Rose (青薔薇の破滅)Full Combo Blue Rose Ruin at Oni difficulty100none
Fusion of the Purple Rose (紫薔薇の融合)Full Combo Red Rose Evangel and Blue Rose Ruin at Oni difficulty in a single credit100none
Conqueror of Roses (薔薇を統べし者)Full Combo Purple Rose Fusion on Oni mode100none
Eternal Being (常世人)Full Combo Joubutsu 2000100none
Full-stumbling Forever (永遠の絆)Full Combo Eternal bond on Oni difficulty100none
Truth Under the Mask (仮面の下の真実)Full Combo Aisowarai on Oni difficulty100none
Yoi Genkai (妖異幻怪)Full Combo Bakemono Tsukiyo on Oni difficulty100none
Piano-playing Adventurer (ピアノ弾きの冒険者)Full Combo D's Adventure Note on Oni difficulty100none
Irish Donder (アイリッシュドンだー)Full Combo Oozora to Taiko no Odori on Oni Difficulty100none
Tsundere Cafe Frequent (ツンデレCafeの常連 )Full Combo Tsundere Cafe e Youkoso☆ on Oni Difficulty100none
Deep Stepper (重量級ステッパー)Full Combo DEBSTEP! on Oni Difficulty100none
Set Out We Shall! (参りますッ!)Full Combo Yozakura Braiders on Oni Difficulty100none
Angel's Halo (天使の光輪) Full Combo Angel Halo on Oni difficulty100none
Computerized Donder (電算ドンだー)Full Combo Calculator on Oni Difficulty100none
Headlong Boys (猪突猛進ボーイズ)Full Combo Hurtling boys on Oni Difficulty100none
Karamari no Yukari (カラ鞠のユカリ)Full Combo Karamari no Hana on Oni Difficulty100none
Who Was Full of Mystery (幽玄を極めし者)Full Combo Yuugen no Ran on Oni difficulty100none
A Little Break (ちょっと休憩)Full Combo Tenjiku 2000 on Oni difficulty100none
Friends After the Graduation (卒業してもずっとトモダチ)Full Combo Sotsu Omeshiki on Oni difficulty100none
It's Alongside Patience! (ガマンならんのです!)Full Combo EkiBEN 2000 on Oni difficulty100none
The Kaerimasu Today at the Annual (今日も定時で帰ります)Full Combo Yokuderu 2000 on Oni difficulty100none
Master of Donkama (ドンカマの達人)Full Combo Donkama 2000 on Oni difficulty100none
Tachujin of Kita Saitama (きたさいたまのたちゅじん)Full Combo Kita Saitama 200 on Oni difficulty100none
Master of Rarirureron (ラリルレランの達人)Full Combo Norudon 2000 on Oni difficulty100none
Master of Eat 'n' Sleep (食っちゃ寝の達人)Full Combo Taberuna 2000 on Oni difficulty100none
Master of Haya Saitama (はやさいたまの達人)Full Combo Haya Saitama 2000 on Oni difficulty100none
Master of Saitama (さいたまの達人)Full Combo Saitama 2000 on Oni difficulty100none
Master of Your Job (お仕事の達人)Full Combo Hataraku 2000 on Oni difficulty100none
Fan of Rinrin (リンリンズのファン) (1*)Full Combo Kidaruma 2000 on Oni difficulty100none
Master of Shimekiri (〆切の達人)Full Combo Shimedore 2000 on Oni difficulty100none
Correct Answer! (ご名答!)Full Combo Soroban 2000 on Oni difficulty100none
The end of your loveFull Combo X-DAY2000 on Oni difficulty100none
Master of Joubutsu (万戈イムの達人)Full Combo Joubutsu 2000 on Oni difficulty100none
Otsu Curry Rice Da-Don! (おつカレーライスだドン! )Full Combo Love x Love Whistle (Karemeshi Official Song) on Oni difficulty100none
Master of Mosquito Ray (蚊取り光線の達人)Full Combo Dokadoka on Oni difficulty100none
The Only Reason for the Existence of a Darkness (黒の存在理由)Full Combo Yami no Mahou Shojo on Oni difficulty100none
Let's Go One More Song!! (もう1曲いきましょう!!)Full Combo IOSYS Aki no Nikushokusai 2014 on Oni difficulty100none
Hello My Frien-Don! (ハローマイフレンどん!)Full Combo Boku wa Synth on Oni difficulty100none
Master of Chaos Time (カオスタイムの達人)Full Combo !!!Chaos Time!!!100none
Red Lotus God of Fierce Flame (猛炎の紅蓮神)Full Combo Kagutsuchi on Oni difficulty100none
God Naga Mitsurugi (神薙ぐ御剣)Full Combo KUSANAGI on Oni difficulty100none
Super Chaos Time (スーパーカオスタイム)Full Combo !!!Chaos Time!!! on Oni difficulty100none
Master of Sprinting (全力疾走の達人)Full Combo Charlie Dash! on Oni difficulty100none
Audio Detective (オーディオ刑事)Full Combo Audio de Ka! on Oni difficulty100none
Curing the Love Disease (恋の病治療中)Clear Koi no Shohousen (any difficulty)100none
Way of a Man's Life (漢の生き様)Clear Oranda Nadeshiko (any difficulty)100none
Multidimensional Interference (多次元干渉者)Clear DIMENSIONS (any difficulty)100none
Love of a Swimming Flower (愛ヲ詠イシ花)Clear Hanaoto Ura Hyoushi (any difficulty)100none
My Heart is Fluttering (ドキがムネムネしちゃうの)Clear Dokidoki Munekyun Omatsuri Time (any difficulty)100none
The Wind-Flying Rider (風を翔る騎士)Clear Kaze no Kuni no Ryu to Kishi (any difficulty)100none
ENDLESS PARTY TIMEClear 3piece-Jazz Party! (any difficulty)100none
Limit Breaker (リミットブレイカー)Clear RAGE v.self (any difficulty)100none
Muse Police (ミューズポリス)Clear Extreme MGG★★★ (any difficulty)100Costume: Muse Police C (ミューズポリスC)
Revolver Master (リボルバーの達人)Clear Music Revolver (any difficulty)100Costume: Muse Police M (ミューズポリスM)
Hero Donder (勇者ドンだー)Play only songs included in Taiko 3DS in 1 play100Costume: Hero (ゆうしゃ)
Inventor's Egg (発明家のたまご)Play a Tamagotchi-related song once100Costume: Mametchi (まめっち)
Idol's Egg (アイドルのたまご)Play a Tamagotchi-related song once100Costume: Yumemitchi (ゆめみっち)
Golden Donder (ゴールデンドンだー)Clear a Golden Bomber song once (any difficulty)100Costume: Golden Bomber (ゴールデンボンバー)
Idol Activities! In Progress (アイドルカツドウ!中)Play Diamond Happy once100Costume: Ichigo Hoshimiya (星宮いちご)
Master of Pazudora (パズドラの達人) (1*)Play Walking Through The Towers once100Costume: Pazudora Tyrra (パズドラ ティラ)
I Like Pigtails (みつあみ好き)Play any song in the NicoNico Conference 2 event or clear an IA song (any difficulty)100Costume: IA
I Love Leek (ねぎ好き)Clear a song with Hatsune Miku as the main singer100Costume: Hatsune Miku (初音ミク)
Carrot Love (にんじん好き)Clear a song with Megpoid GUMI as the main singer100Costume: GUMI
MomoClo Kanoko-Don (ももクロ かなこどん) (1*)Play Taiko 0 Momoiro once100Costume: MomoClo Kanoko-Don (ももクロ かなこどん)
MomoClo A-Don (ももクロ あーどん) (1*)Play Taiko 0 Momoiro 2 times100Costume: MomoClo A-Don (ももクロ あーどん)
MomoClo Shiori-Don (ももクロ しおりどん) (1*)Play Taiko 0 Momoiro 3 times100Costume: MomoClo Shiori-Don (ももクロ しおりどん)
MomoClo Momoka-Don (ももクロ ももかどん) (1*)Play Taiko 0 Momoiro 4 times100Costume: MomoClo Momoka-Don (ももクロ ももかどん)
MomoClo Reni-Don (ももクロ れにどん) (1*)Play Taiko 0 Momoiro 5 times100Costume: MomoClo Reni-Don (ももクロ れにどん)
Yokai-looking (妖怪さがし中)Play either Geragerabo no Uta or Yokai Taizou Dai Ichi once100Costume: Jibanyan (ジバニャン)
Monster Hunter (モンスターハンター)Play Monster Hunter 4 Medley once100Costume: Brave Catt Series (ブレイブネコシリーズ)
Master of Pazudora Z (パズドラZの達人) (1*)Play Sakasama Sekai once100Costume: Pazudora Z Syrup (パズドラZ シロップ)
Happi de Urepi (ハッピー de うれピー) (1*)Play Taiko 0 Momoiro once between February 19th and March 18th, 2014200Costume: Pota-Don (ポテどん)
Racing de Uresu (レース de ウレースィ) (1*)Play Taiko 0 Momoiro once between April 17th and May 18th, 2014 after playing once on Mario Kart Arcade GP DX with the same Banapassport card200Costume: Mario (マリオ)
Costume: Luigi (ルイージ)
Master of Kumamoto (くまもとの達人) Play Kumamoto Surprise! once100Costume: Kumamon (くまモン)
Friend of Tikkun (チックンの友達) Play Choujikuu Adventure once100Costume: Tikkun (チックン)
Friend of Takkun (タックンの友達) Play Choujikuu Adventure once100Costume: Takkun (タックン)
Demon Extermination of the Sengoku Era! (戦国時代の鬼退治!) (1*)Clear Lightning Passion between July 19th and August 1st, 2014100Costume: Ninja (にんじゃ)
Slapstick Wedding! (ドタバタウェディング!) (1*)Clear Reviver between July 26th and August 8th, 2014100Costume: Wings of Icarus (イカロスのつばさ)
A Huge Dinosaur Appears! (巨大恐竜あらわる!) (1*)Clear Metal Police between August 2nd and August 15th, 2014100Costume: Fossil (かせき)
Mystery of the Ancient Pyramids! (古代ピラミッドの謎!) (1*)Clear Zastohl no Madousho between August 9th and August 22nd, 2014100Costume: Mummy (ミイラ)
Nankai Treasure Competition! (南海お宝争奪戦!) (1*)Clear Oresama Pirates between August 16th and August 29nd, 2014100Costume: Pirate Ship (かいぞくせん)
Dream of Flight Brothers! (飛行兄弟の夢!) (1*)Clear Nightmare Survivor between August 23rd and September 5th, 2014100Costume: Airplane (ひこうき)
Space-Time Decisive Battle! (時空大決戦!) (1*)Clear The Carnivorous Carnival between August 30th and September 12th, 2014100Costume: Guardian (ガーディアン)
Fairy of Pear (梨の妖精) Play either Funa Funa Funassyi or Boogie Boogie Funassyi once100Costume: Funassyi (ふなっしー)
Reimu's Hakurei Shrine (博麗神社の巫女) Play one of the Touhou Project songs once100Costume: Hakurei Reimu (博麗霊夢)
Mon-ge! (もんげー!) Play Jinsei Dramatic once100Costume: Koma-San (コマさん)
Ability Awakening! (能力覚醒!) (1*)Play Kessen!! once100Costume: PazuDora Tamadra (パズドラ たまドラ)
Aikatsu Trying☆ (アイカツしよう☆) Play Du-Du-Wa DO IT!! once100Costume: Firmament Akari (大空あかり)
The Idolmaster (アイドルマスター) Play one of the Idolm@ster songs once100Costume: The Idolmaster (アイドルマスター)
Ordinary Magician (普通の魔法使い)Clear songs from the Touhou Arrange Project100Costume: Marisa Kirisame (霧雨魔理沙)
Drumstick of Judgement of Mach 20 (マッハ20のバチさばき)Play Seishun Satsubatsu-ron once100Costume: Korosensei (殺せんせー)
Last Boss Advent (ラスボス降臨)Play Sachi Sachi ni Shite Ageru♪ once100Costume: Sachi Sachi (さちさち)
Queen of the Ice (こおりの女王)Full Combo Let It Go ~Ari no Mama de~100Costume: Dress of Ice (こおりのドレス)
Friend of Maple (メイプルの友達)Play Kibou e no Melody once100Costume: Maple Rider (メイプルライド)
Friend of Lira Da Gamba (リラ・ダ・ガンバの友達)Play Kibou e no Melody once100Costume: Lira Da Gamba (リラ・ダ・ガンバ)
Grab the Light! (光をつかむ!) (1*)Play Chain Chronicle Normal Battle Medley or Chain Chronicle Final Battle Medley between August 18th to October 13th, 2015100Costume: Phoena and Pirika (フィーナとピリカ)
Merican Yokai (メリケン妖怪)Play Jinsei Dramatic once100Costume: USA-Pyon (USAピョン)
Relax (リラックス)Play QUESTION once100Costume: Relax Korosensei (リラックス殺せんせー)
Coast! Me! (カイガン!オレ!)Play Warera Omou, Yue ni Warera Ari once100Costume: Kamen Rider Ghost (仮面ライダーゴースト)
Feelings of Professor (教授のきもち)Full Combo Bokura no Sekai ni Dance o, Picopico Mappy or Picopico Ruin100Costume: Enjoy (きょうじゅ)
GAME MUSIC TRIANGLER (1*)Play Densha de Densha de OPA!OPA!OPA! -GMT mashup-, Fantasy Zone OPA-OPA! -GMT remix- and RIDGE RACER STEPS -GMT remix- once between April 17th and April 30th, 20140none
GMT MASTER (1*)Play Densha de Densha de GO!GO!GO!GC! -GMT remix-, Opa! Opa! RACER -GMT mashup- and Ridge de Ridge de GO!GO!GO! -GMT mashup- once between May 8th and May 21st, 20140none
I'm not good~ (いいじゃないの~)Play Taiko no Tatsujin between April 28th, 2015 and August 31st, 2015100Costume: Hosogai-San (細貝さん)
Taiko sound: Hosogai-San (細貝さん)
Dameyo~Damedame (ダメよ~ダメダメ)Play Taiko no Tatsujin between April 28th, 2015 and August 31st, 2015100Costume: Akemi-Chan (朱美ちゃん)
Taiko sound: Akemi-Chan (朱美ちゃん)
Donder! Japan Finals 2013 (ドンだー!日本一決定戦2013) (1*)Title awarded to the attenders of the Taiko Arcade tournament 2013's Finals event0Costume: Zeami-Don (世阿弥どん)
Girls Pop Mania (ガールズポップマニア)Full Combo one of the songs from the Girls Pop Mania mini-album, on any difficulty100none
KinoTake Battle War (きのたけ合戦参戦) (1*)Join the KinoTake Battle under either faction200none
Mushroom Army (Class) (きのこ軍(階級)) (1*) (3*)Join the KinoTake Battle under the Mushroom faction0none
Bamboo Shoot Army (Class) (たけのこ軍(階級)) (1*) (3*)Join the KinoTake Battle under the Bamboo Shoot faction0none
Bamboo Shoot Military Hero (たけのこ軍の英雄) (1*)Join the KinoTake Battle under the Bamboo Shoot faction0none
I participated in the Tenkaichi Otogesai, Da-Don! (天カッ一音ゲ祭に参加だドン!) (1*)Play either Aka no Senritsu or Yoake Made Ato 3-byou between October 15, 2015 and February 20, 2016100none
2nd Tenkaichi Otogesai Finalists (第二回天下一音ゲ祭 ファイナリスト) (1*)Awarded to the 2nd Tenkaichi Otogesai tournament's finalists100none
2nd Tenkaichi Otogesai Champion (第二回天下一音ゲ祭 チャンピオン) (1*)Awarded to the 2nd Tenkaichi Otogesai tournament's winner100none
Primary Elementary School's Strongest Donder (初代 最強小学生ドンだー) (1*)Awarded to the Donder! World Championship 2016 tournament's winner for the Elementary-and-Under category100none
Prodigal of Chronicle (クロニクルの使い手) (1*)Full Combo Chain Chronicle Final Battle Medley between August 18th to October 13th, 2015100none
765PRO ALLSTARS (1*)Exchange a Ticket in the Donder Hiroba during the Idolm@ster 10th Anniversary collaboration0none
765 Professional, Faito! (765プロ、ファイトー!) (1*)Exchange a Ticket in the Donder Hiroba during the Idolm@ster 10th Anniversary collaboration0none
MILLIONSTARS (1*)Exchange a Ticket in the Donder Hiroba during the Idolm@ster 10th Anniversary collaboration0none
SR (1*)Exchange a Ticket in the Donder Hiroba during the Idolm@ster 10th Anniversary collaboration0none
The Buried Dug Hole Masu (穴堀って埋まってますぅ (1*)Exchange a Ticket in the Donder Hiroba during the Idolm@ster 10th Anniversary collaboration0none
Piece of Taiko Angel Wing (片翼の太鼓エンジェル) (1*)Exchange a Ticket in the Donder Hiroba during the Idolm@ster 10th Anniversary collaboration0none
Eternal 17-Year-Old (永遠の17歳
) (1*)
Exchange a Ticket in the Donder Hiroba during the Idolm@ster 10th Anniversary collaboration0none
Cinderella Girls (シンデレラガールズ) (1*)Exchange a Ticket in the Donder Hiroba during the Taiko x Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls or the Idolm@ster 10th Anniversary collaboration0none
New Generation (ニュージェネレーション) (1*)Exchange a Ticket in the Donder Hiroba during the Taiko x Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls or the Idolm@ster 10th Anniversary collaboration0none
S Rare (Sレア) (1*)Exchange a Ticket in the Donder Hiroba during the Taiko x Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls or the Idolm@ster 10th Anniversary collaboration0none
Tiger/Dragon War (竜闘虎争) (1*)Exchange tickets in the Donder Hiroba during the Donder! World Tournament Hall of Fame Composers event0none
Deprived Soul to the Taiko Princess (太鼓に魂奪われし姫君) (1*)Exchange tickets in the Donder Hiroba during the Donder! World Tournament Hall of Fame Composers event0none
Fallen to Dizzy Darkness (クラクラ闇に堕ちてゆく) (1*)Exchange tickets in the Donder Hiroba during the Donder! World Tournament Hall of Fame Composers event0none
Ghost Mask (ゴーストマスク) (1*)Exchange tickets in the Donder Hiroba during the Donder! World Tournament Hall of Fame Composers event0none
Heaping Parfait Itadakimasu! (山盛りパフェいただきま~す!) (1*)Exchange tickets in the Donder Hiroba during the Donder! World Tournament Hall of Fame Composers event0none
Dignified-as-Wind Blow (凛として吹く風の如く) (1*)Exchange tickets in the Donder Hiroba during the Donder! World Tournament Hall of Fame Composers event0none
★★★★★★★★★★ (1*)Exchange tickets in the Donder Hiroba during the Donder! World Tournament Hall of Fame Composers event0none
Virtuoso Time (超絶技巧タイム) (1*)Exchange tickets in the Donder Hiroba during the Donder! World Tournament Hall of Fame Composers event0none
Heart Robot (ココロロボット) (1*)Exchange tickets in the Donder Hiroba during the Donder! World Tournament Hall of Fame Composers event0none
I Wonder where Is the Rice Ball♪ (おにぎりはどこかしら♪) (1*)Exchange tickets in the Donder Hiroba during the Donder! World Tournament Hall of Fame Composers event0none
No Problem No Problem (問題ない問題ない) (1*)Exchange tickets in the Donder Hiroba during the Donder! World Tournament Hall of Fame Composers event0none
Fledgling Fantasy (ひよっこファンタジー) (1*)Exchange tickets in the Donder Hiroba during the Donder! World Tournament Hall of Fame Composers event0none
The Glory in His Hands (栄光をこの手に) (1*)Exchange tickets in the Donder Hiroba during the Donder! World Tournament Hall of Fame Composers event0none
Morning Glory (1*)Exchange tickets in the Donder Hiroba during the Donder! World Tournament Hall of Fame Composers event0none
Seeking Shine (輝きを求めて) (1*)Exchange tickets in the Donder Hiroba during the Donder! World Tournament Hall of Fame Composers event0none
Naruko-men Taiko Brothers (鳴子面太鼓ブラザーズ) (1*)Exchange tickets in the Donder Hiroba during the Donder! World Tournament Hall of Fame Composers event0none
8BIT DONDER (1*)Exchange tickets in the Donder Hiroba during the Donder! World Tournament Hall of Fame Composers event0none
Now Carved in the Rhythm of the Taiko (太鼓のリズムで今を刻んで) (1*)Exchange tickets in the Donder Hiroba during the Donder! World Tournament Hall of Fame Composers event0none
Everyone is the Master of Taiko if You Enjoyed It (楽しんだら誰もが太鼓の達人だ) (1*)Exchange tickets in the Donder Hiroba during the Donder! World Tournament Hall of Fame Composers event0none
Donder! World Championship 2016 Participation (ドンだー!世界一決定戦2016参加) (1*)Exchange tickets in the Donder Hiroba during the Donder! World Tournament Hall of Fame Composers event0none
Master of Sharera (シャレラの達人)Full Combo Xa (Ura)100none
God of War (戦神)Full Combo Xa (Ura) with Akebobe modifier100none
He who Hunted the Double Dragon (双竜を討ちし者)Full Combo Souryu no Ran on Oni mode100none
Twin Dragon God King (双神竜王)Full Combo Souryu no Ran (Ura)100none
A Purple-glittered Person (紫煌を纏いし者)Full Combo Shikou no Ran on Oni difficulty100none
White Awakening (白き覚醒者)On the Song Selection screen, select Sacred Ruin while a odd double-digit is displayed on the time selection counter, then Full Combo the song on any difficulty100Costume: Awakening of Light (白の覚醒)
Black Awakening (黒き覚醒者)On the Song Selection screen, select Sacred Ruin while a even double-digit is displayed on the time selection counter, then Full Combo the song on any difficulty100Costume: Awakening of Black (黒の覚醒)
There's Confidence in the Strength (体力には自信あり)Achieve over 1000 correctly-landed hits on any song (cumulative count of 'Great', 'Good' and drum roll hits)100Costume: Power Arm (パワーアーム)
Carnival in the Brain! (脳内カーニバルだドン!)All songs played in a single credit must be Saitama 2000 or Haya Saitama 2000 with Baizoku or higher. At least one attempt must be full combo100New song: Haya Saitama 2000 (さいたま2000)
Kita Saitama! (キターさいたま!)All songs played in a single credit must be Kita Saitama 2000 or Kita Saitama 200100New song: Kita Saitama 200 (きたさいたま200)
Taiko Carnival (タイコカーニバル)Full combo Taiko Time (Ura Oni) with Detarame modifier100New song: The Carnivorous Carnival
Festival Carnival (お祭りカーニバル)Full combo Densetsu no Matsuri with Detarame modifier100New song: The Carnivorous Carnival
Increasing our wishes! (ねがいましてーは!)Full combo only songs with the number 'ten' (either in Japanese or with numbers) in its title in 1 play100New song: Soroban 2000 (十露盤2000)
Fan of Princess Soprano (ソプラノ姫のファン)Play only songs included in Taiko 3DS in 1 play100New song: Kimi to Hibiku Harmony (キミと響くハーモニー)
Dream Fantasy (ドリームファンタジー)Full Combo only Angel Dream or Pastel Dream (any difficulty) in 1 play while wearing the Hime Gal (姫ギャル), Dragon Year (たつどし) or Hero (ゆうしゃ) outfit100New song: Kaze no Fantasy (風のファンタジー)
Nurupo Nurupo Nurupo (ぬるぽぬるぽぬるぽ)Play only Rotter Tarmination or Dodon ga Do~n (any difficulty) in 1 play on the P1 drum and full combo all attempts100New song: dance storm
Alegria Wild Dance (アレグリーア乱舞)Play only Rumble Ranbu or Samba Alegria (any difficulty) in 1 play on the P2 drum and full combo all attempts100New song: Lightning Passion (らいとにんぐ ぱっしょん)
Sensei, not yet? (先生、まだですかぁ?)Full Combo a song with a title ending in "-don" (JP or English) after changing the profile's nickname to anything ending in どん100New song: Kechadon 2000 (ケチャドン2000)
Green Leaves Blend with the Sky (目に青葉)Full Combo all songs whose title start with the letter 'M' in English (upper case or lower case) in a single credit after changing the profile's nickname to 'Bashon' (ばしょん)100New song: Many wow bang!
Carnival of Wild Blooms (乱れ咲きカーニバル)Full Combo both Hyakka Ryouran and The Carnivorous Carnival on any difficulty, in a single credit100New song: Yozakura Shanikusai (夜桜謝肉祭)
Unequaled Drumstick Judgement (天地無双のバチさばき)Full Combo both Senpuu no Mai 【Heaven】and Tenyou no Mai in a single credit, while wearing the Earth (ちきゅう) costume100New song: Senpuu no Mai 【Earth】 (旋風ノ舞【地】)
Dear My SisterFull Combo only songs with 'Love' in their title (either in Japanese or English) in one credit, while wearing the Heavy Metal (ヘビメタ) costume100New song: Koibumi 2000 (恋文2000)
Ra-Ri-Rure Eiyo-tsu! (ラ・リ・ルレ エイヨッ!)FC only song containing any of the katakanas ラ/リ/ル/レ (ra/ri/ru/re), unless it also contains the hiragana ら/り/る/れ (ra/ri/ru/re) or the katakana ロ (ro)100New song: Yokuderu 2000 (恋文2000)
The Local Norudon Train! (鈍行に乗るドン!)Full Combo Cross Blue, Jotei ~Imbiratuula~, Charlie Dash! and Abyss of hell on Oni mode100none
Eternal Messenger (常世の使者)Play Joubutsu 2000 once (either in the 10th Dojo Ranking course or a multiplayer match with someone who already unlocked the song)100New song: Joubutsu 2000 (万戈イム-一ノ十)
Haunted Rhapsody (ホーンテッド・ラプソディ)Play Meena no Oyasiki once100New song: Theremin Rhapsody (テルミン狂想曲)
Taiko Ghost (太鼓のおばけ)Play Theremin Rhapsody once100New song: Obage no Oshigoto (おばけのお仕事)
Messenger of the Unseen (幽玄の使者)Play Yuugen no Ran once100New song: Yuugen no Ran (幽玄ノ乱)
The Person who Reaches the Unseen (幽玄に至りし者)Clear all the Rose and 'no Mai' songs on Oni mode100New song: Yuugen no Ran (幽玄ノ乱)

(1*): This title is permanently (or currently) unobtainable on White Version
(2*): This term, mentioned by Wikihouse, refers to Yuugao no Kimi and spiritual successor Chiriyuku Ran no Tsuzuru Uta
(3*): The class being displayed is the highest one reached in the KinoTake Battle event.

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